Viewing 17 - 32 out of 64 posts


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Train Accident Victims Charged with Trespassing on Railroad Property

A Kansas man who serves in the U.S. Army is one of the nation’s most recent train accident victims. The 25-year-old private was walking along railroad tracks in Topeka, listening Read More

Is the Wisconsin State Supreme Court Going to Allow a Railroad Lawsuit to Proceed?

In a heart-stopping 2009 collision, a young Wisconsin mother’s van became stuck on railroad tracks between crossing gates right before a popular Memorial Day parade began. A local police officer Read More

New Technology Addresses Fatigue-Related Rail Accidents

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) announced that the probable cause of a major train crash in Iowa was driver fatigue. The crash killed two train workers when a coal Read More

Industrial Train Accidents: Financial Fallout Lasts Long After Clean-Up

The U.S. has seen a disturbing number of industrial railroad accidents on its expansive rail system during the past several years, due in large part to an energy boom in Read More

FELA Claim: File It or Forget It – Waiting Might Mean Waiver

A West Virginia court recently dealt a devastating blow to a railroad worker who devoted 30 years of his life to East Coast railway giant CSX Transportation. The man had Read More

Going Nuclear: Radioactive Waste on the Rails

Due to major breakthroughs in extraction technology and oil removal methods, oil production in the U.S. continues to soar. The primary reason for these advances is major increases in production Read More

U.S. Rails at Risk? Trains Still Terrorist Targets after Ample Warning

Starting almost 40 years ago, terrorist organizations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia have targeted railway systems as sites for their despicable attacks on the civilized world. Attacks that Read More

Texting on the Train: Dangers of Distracted Conductors

With 41 states in the U.S. banning text messaging while operating a motor vehicle, it is clear that law enforcement is attempting to deal with the hazards posed by screen-obsessed Read More

Second Major Train Tragedy of the Year North of the Border

After close to 50 lives were lost only a few months earlier in a rail accident that destroyed large swaths of a tourist and logging town in Quebec, recently Canada Read More

Kids, Trains and Hospital Bills: Child Railroad Safety

An 11-year-old Northeast Minneapolis boy is Minnesota’s latest train accident victim. The boy and his friends’ choice of a moving a train as the site of their early evening play Read More

Commuter Crash: Post-Collision Chaos Causes Injuries and Apprehension

As the nation’s second-largest public transportation system, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) provides about 1.6 million rides each day, serving Chicago and 35 suburbs in the metro area. One of Read More

High Profile Train Accidents Raise Specter of Reform

Recent news reports have been dotted with train disasters. The horrifying nature of these accidents – especially the high causality rates – raise doubts regarding the sufficiency of current industry Read More

How Will the Government Shutdown Affect U.S. Rail System?

The federal government shutdown has opened up a Pandora’s box of fear, anger, and suspicion across the nation, with no end in sight for the finger-pointing and fault-finding that has Read More

Accident Predictions May Help Drivers Avoid Train Crashes

In many states, drivers transverse train crossings on an almost daily basis. While few enjoy confronting the possibility of train-motor vehicle crossing collisions, statistics indicate that there are close to Read More

With High Speed Rail, the Future is Now

As its name implies, high-speed rail involves trains traveling at significantly greater speeds than traditional trains. Since the launch of Japan's "bullet train" in 1964, many countries have adopted this Read More

High Hopes for Billion-Dollar Train Accident-Halting Technology

Transportation officials and railroad executives tout huge growth in the use of rail transportation in the U.S. According to the Washington-based chairman of Veolia Transportation, a major multinational player in Read More

Viewing 17 - 32 out of 64 posts


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